Hope Ann Photos

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Busy season is upon us, and there always seems like there is an endless to-do list. As entrepreneurs we think that if we push it 24/7, and never take a break, that we are being productive. That could not be further from the truth. When you push yourself like that, you are more likely to suffer […]

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Busy season is upon us, and there always seems like there is an endless to-do list. As entrepreneurs we think that if we push it 24/7, and never take a break, that we are being productive. That could not be further from the truth. When you push yourself like that, you are more likely to suffer […]


A Beautiful Park Day.

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As I am sitting here right now, my mind is wandering with a 1,000 thoughts. I’m reading a book entitled, “The Heart of Leadership” by Mark Miller, and it’s teaching me how to build leadership character. I feel my heart being pulled in the servant leadership direction, in everything I do, I want to be […]


Being A Servant Leader || Life

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In this busy season of wedding photography, fall sessions, etc. Take some time today to just be present. Even if you are working a 9-5 job, be present. What I mean by this is, don’t wish your time away, don’t spend all your time wishing you were doing something else. I know it’s so easy […]


Being Present In A Busy Season

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I’ve prepared my heart, gotten a lot of extra spending out of the way, and now it’s time to get serious. I’ll be honest with you, this is totally scaring me. I am what Dave Ramsey calls a ‘free spirit’, which pretty much means budgets + I, we try to be friends, but a lot […]


Contentment Challenge: Getting Started

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Hello lovelies! Today’s topic is one that is often talked about, especially in the creative community, and that is comparison. Comparison is a thief, no matter how you look it at. Comparison can make us so competitive that we push away anyone who seems, “threatening”. Comparison makes us hide in our rooms, crying, because “we […]


Comparison Is A Thief || Inspirational Monday


© Hope Ann Photos, 2023