from the desk of Hope Ann

When You Feel Everything Is Failing. || Inspirational Monday

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Destination wedding & portrait photographer fascinated by stories & people. This blog is the home for some of my favorite things — from weddings, engagement sessions, branding & more personal things. 

Grab your favorite cup of hot tea(or coffee), and stay a while. 

Hi! I'm Hope!

When you feel like everything you’ve tried is failing. When you just feel like giving up on your dreams, the best advice I can give you is to turn to God. You may not believe the way I do, but it’s the best way, and only way I’ve found.

 When it comes to trying to own my own business, I’ve made so many mistakes and then some. For me it’s all a learning experience to make me better. I pray for guidance, and keep on going. Sure I’ve thrown everything down, and I’ve quit more than once. But my dreams are much bigger than I am, and much deeper.

I just think about Thomas Edison, and his quotes, “Opportunity is missed by most people, because it’s dressed in overalls, and looks like work.”, and “I have not failed I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Just because you try a method someone suggests, and it doesn’t work doesn’t mean it won’t ever work. You just have to find out what works best for you, your dreams, and your business.


 I want to ask you a question today:  

Would you give up your dreams just because nothing is working out the way you thought? Or just because it’s taking longer than you thought for?

What if comes through another source? What if you simply prayed for guidance? 

Remember, just because you’ve tried a few things, and they didn’t work doesn’t mean you failed at life. The most successful people are the ones who believe in the dreams they’ve been given, and push at it with all they have.




© Hope Ann Photos, 2023